Nobody excluded

Everybody is charged with Islam, and is responsible for following the right  represented by Islam. 

Whatever is his (her) homeland, race, color, rank, or language  he will be questioned about his attitude toward his Lord's instruction.

Whatever is his cultural position, rich or poor, he (she) will be questioned about Allah's instructions and therefore will be sent to Paradise or Hellfire.

Nobody excluded, save two conditions are provided: He (she) is adult  and having normal mind .

Allah Tabarak Wa Taa'ala says in a verse of this context, which the meaning translation thereof would be as:

 (We have not sent you but to all people, giving them glad tidings and warning them (against Hellfire) but most people know not2) Surat Saba' – Verse : 28.

Also the prophet Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam, said : (I have been sent to the red and black). A true Hadieth.

The verses and Hadieths prescribe that the prophet: Muhammed Sala Allahu Allyhi Wasallam is sent to all kinds of people and Jinn are several. No doubt about that.

So don’t waste your time, save yourself before time is over. That if the person dies, which is very near from any of use, his chance will be over and therefore he will be among losers.

So hurry up and enter in Islam, be a Moslem… It is none but the desire of your Lord, your Creator "Allah" Tabarak Wa Taa'ala . Nobody is waiting from you any benefit at all; you will do good for yourself. I myself write this call to benefit myself, because Allah Tabarak Wa Taa'ala loves that who guides others to the truth , to the path he ruled for them from above the heavens. Say (La ilaha illa Allah; Muhammadur-rasul Allah.) which mean: 'There is no god but Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.' And pray the 5 prayers of the day and night (in the 24 hours) .. This is a quick action for converting the righteous path : Islam.

So what does it mean; You are a Muslim ?

Being a Muslim, with a real honest intention means; you are on the righteous way assigned by your Creator, by your Lord; Allah Tabarak Wa Taa'ala, and you will be awarded settling in the Paradise, in happiness that never a heart would have thought of.

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