Each individual is born into circumstances and places he has not chosen. The religion of his family or the ideology of the society in which it arises are imposed from birth. When he reached adolescence, it is usually totally conditioned to regard as good the beliefs of his family or the society in which he lives and to believe that they should apply to everyone. But some people, when they advance in life and are exposed to other belief systems begin to question the merits of all what they believed. People in search of truth often reach a point where they feel confused, realizing that every religion, sect, ideology and philosophy claims to be the only way forward for mankind. It is true that most encourage people to do good. So which is right? They can not all be right since each claims that the other is wrong paths to follow. How the individual quest for truth can happen to determine which path is right?
God gave us all have a spirit and an intelligence that we use to make decisions. The decision to follow one path over another is more important than taking a human being in his life, because his future depends. Therefore, each of us must objectively examine the evidence presented by each religion and / or philosophy and choose what appears to be the most logical and most sensible until he finds other more convincing evidence .
Like any religion or philosophy, Islam says, too, be the only true path to God. In this respect it does not differ from other belief systems. This booklet aims to present some evidence the truth of this assertion. Always keep in mind, however, that we can not determine the right path by putting aside emotions and prejudices, because they often veiled us reality. Once we put aside, we can use the intelligence that God has given us and make rational decisions.
Several arguments can be advanced to support the claim that Islam is the true religion of God. We look at three of the most obvious arguments. The first is based on the divine origin of the names of religions and understanding their meaning. The second relates to the simple teachings and unique about the relationship between God, man and creation. The third comes from the fact that Islam is a way of life universally applicable, by all men and in all places. These are three basic components that logic and reason dictate necessary for a religion as to be considered the true religion of God. Over the following pages, we will develop these concepts in detail.
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