How to deal with non-Muslims

One question bothers me: how to deal with my non-Muslim neighbors ?

Many Muslims are disturbed and saddened by this. They fear for their religion and want to have a clear opinion to know what to expect. The answer is very simple. The Muslim should refer to the Book of their Lord and the tradition of the Prophet. Islam is the only religion to have given a solution to the problem of coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims. Among the teachings of Islam in regard to how to deal with non-Muslims:

- Be charitable towards them:

The general rule in Islam is to be beneficial to everyone, Muslims and unbelievers. Allah, the Most High, said (meaning of the verses):

"Allah does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you in the religion and have not you out of your homes. Allah loveth the equitable. Allah only forbids you from taking as friends those who have fought for religion, driven you from your homes and who supported your expulsion. And those who take for friends are wrongdoers. "(Qur'an 60/8-9)

The verses do not encourage us to be only fair to non-Muslims, they also encourage us to be beneficial to them.

Islam does not forbid us to be benevolent towards the followers of other religions, even if they are unbelievers or idolaters. However, it bears particular interest to people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians). The Qur'an gives us an example in regard to the ethics of dialogue with them. There are known by these terms: "O People of the Book" or "O you who have been given the Book." A reference to the fact that they are the original followers of a heavenly religion, they have a common origin with the Muslims and a link based on the one religion that Allah, the Exalted, revealed to all His prophets. Allah, the Most High, says (what means) :

"It has legislated in matters of religion which He enjoined on Noah, that which We have revealed to you and that which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses and Jesus: Establish the religion, and n 'Do not worry about one division.' " (Qur'an 42/13)

The Messenger of Allah () died while his shield was a Jew guarantee for a sum of money which he used to support his children. In addition, when the members of the delegation Nadjran went to the Prophet () in his mosque after Asr prayer, and the time of their prayer came, they tried to perform the prayer in the Mosque, the people wanted the prohibit them. It was then that the Prophet () ordered them to leave pray. They went towards the East and prayed.

'Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, recommended him to his death to deal with caring people of the Scriptures, to fulfill the commitments made with them and not to overburden loads that are beyond their capabilities. It is in this context of those who have concluded a treaty with the Muslims, a treaty that provides security and protection. This treaty is an act equivalent precursor to contemporary civil rights.

Believe in all the prophets:

Among the pillars of faith prescribed by Islam include the belief in all the Books and Messengers of Allah, the Exalted. Whoever denies the part of unbelievers. Allah, the Most High, says (what means):

"Say: 'We believe in Allah and what is revealed to us and in what was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and what was given to Moses and Jesus and what was given to the prophets from their Lord: we make no distinction between them. And to Him we submit. '" (Qur'an 2/136)

Eat with them and take their wives among women

Islam allows its followers to eat with the People of the Scripture, to eat their slaughtered animals, build alliances with them and marry women of their religion according to the legal rules. Allah, the Most High, says (verse direction):

"You are allowed today, good food. You are allowed to feed the people of the Book, and your food is lawful for them. (You are allowed) chaste women from among the believers and chaste women from among those who received the Book before you "(Quran 5/5)

To be gentle with them

Islam urged his followers to be gentle with people speaking the Scriptures and discuss with them the best way, because such conduct is likely to dissipate any animosity and purify the spirits of malice. Allah, the Most High, says (what means):

"And do not argue that the best way with the People of the Book, except those of them who are unjust. And say: 'We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One (1), and it is to Him we surrender.' " (Qur'an 29/46)

Ensure their safe life:

Islam has called to ensure a secure life for people of the Scriptures and to be sincere with them to ensure their fairness and peace. In this regard, the Prophet () said:

• "Whoever harms a dhimmi, I will become his enemy. And if I become the enemy of someone, I am also the Day of Resurrection "(al-Khatib)

• "Whoever is wrong with a person with whom Muslims have a treaty or infringes any of its rights or imposes a burden greater than its capacity or seizes a thing she has against his will, I damerai the pawn on the Day of Resurrection "(Abu Dawood)

Offering gifts:
Islam has permitted his followers to give gifts to non-Muslims to accept their gifts and to reciprocate. It is reported that the Kings offered gifts to the Prophet () who accepted them as they were not Muslims. According to the Mother of the Believers, Umm Salama, the Prophet () said: "I offered al-Nadjâchî dress and ounces Musk."

The Muslim should exert its influence on the non-Muslim without being influenced by the credo of the latter. Indeed, each has its own customs and traditions. It is not permissible for a Muslim to imitate the non-Muslims in a way that opposes the standards of Islam, imitating his manner of dress, presenting guests with alcohol or food illegal.

These are the eternal principles of Islam and its noble values ​​that respect the man.

"Sahl ibn Sa'd ibn Qays and Hunayf were sitting one day when al-Qadisiyya funeral procession passed near them. As they were raised, they said: 'This is the convoy of a dhimmi (Jew or Christian enjoying the protection of the Muslim state)'. The Prophet, they said, stood one day passage of a funeral, and, as he noted that it was a Jew, he replied: 'Is it not a soul!' "(Bukhari).

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