The concept of equality in Islam

Before discussing the concept of equality and how it applies to men and women in Islam, we must first establish an important distinction. Most people believe that equality is to treat both groups in different basic identically. However, this is not always the best thing to do. Because the needs, strengths, abilities and disabilities of people must be taken into account rather than subjecting everyone to a single standard, which often applies only to a small group of people.

We must therefore make a distinction between superficial procedural equality and substantive equality, that is to say, justice. Most companies recognize that the important thing is not to focus on the superficial procedural equality, but to ensure substantive equality for all citizens so that they are treated fairly according to their needs and their various conditions. In general, humans prefer daily, equality substantial procedural equality, because they recognize that the former is synonymous with justice. The workplace, in schools and in various public places, we accommodons people who have disabilities. We recognize the need for social services to help the poorest in society, while the rich are forced to pay taxes. We pay more attention to those who suffer from emotional difficulties, physical or psychological in their lives. All this amounts to substantive equality, that is to say of justice.

Men and women

When we speak of men and women, all recognize that there are indisputable differences between the two sexes. Men and women are not identical, they are different in several respects. This is why it is illogical to ignore these differences and not advocate a single standard on the basis of which establishes rules in those areas where both sexes show marked differences. Do so amounts to a procedural equality and non-substantial. For example, it would be unfair on the part of a husband to demand his wife to work as hard as him when she is pregnant. It would be more appropriate in this case to recognize the physical limitations of pregnancy and the need for the husband to adjust his judgment based on these limits. There are obvious biological differences between the sexes: men do not experience menstrual periods or pregnancy. By cons, women tend to live longer and have fewer health problems as they age. The AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) has published an article in which she identifies eight major differences between the health of men and women:

These differences are well beyond the habits of the two sexes in regard to annual medical examinations and their willingness to follow various treatments. If men still need to be convinced to regularly consult their doctor, they should consider the following:

· Life expectancy for men in the United States is 74.4 years, nearly five years less than women, which stood at 79.8 years.

· The cancer kills more men than women.

· Of the people who die of heart disease before age 65, 70 percent are men.

· Sleep apnea, a potentially dangerous condition that causes decreases or stops the flow of breathing during sleep, is much more common in men than in women.

· Four times more men commit suicide, suicide is the eighth leading cause of death among men.

· Men are 50 percent more likely to develop coronary heart disease after the age of 40.

· Men are generally less than T cells (which fight infection) than women.

· There are eight times more centenarians in women than in men.

Olympic Games, men and women compete separately because of their physiological differences. At the age of 18, the average man measuring 1.78 meters and weighs 65 kilos, while at the same age, the average woman measuring 1.63 meters and weighs 57 kilograms. In weight, men have on average 50% more muscle mass than women. A woman's heart is on average 25% smaller than that of men. And women have about 10% more body fat than men.

At the academic level, women tend to perform better than men in subjects such as languages ​​and social sciences, while men tend to have better results in mathematics and science. Both men and women have different strengths and abilities that are their own. About their psychological differences, an article entitled "Men and Women Really Do Think Differently" (Men and women think very differently) cites a recent neurological study:

"Psychology professor Richard Haier of the University of California at Irvine, conducted the research with colleagues from the University of New Mexico. Their findings show that in general, men have 6.5 times more gray matter related to general intelligence than women, but women have nearly 10 times more white matter related to intelligence than men. (...) In the human brain, the gray matter is the center of data processing, while white matter works to connect these treatment centers and transmit information.

"The results of this study may explain why men and women excel in different types of tasks, says a co-author and neuropsychologist Rex Jung of the University of New Mexico. For example, men are generally better at tasks requiring more localized processing of data, such as mathematics, Jung advance, while women are better at integrating and assimilating information from distributed gray matter regions of brain, which helps to language skills. '

Another article published in Psychology Today describes the differences between men and women as "undeniable"

"When it comes to talking or making hand gestures that contribute to motor skills, the brain seems to be organized in a very focal in women and less men. That may be a link with the fact that girls generally speak earlier, better organized and have better fine motor control of their hands. Also, many more women than men are right-handed and this very clearly. But when it comes to certain tasks more abstract, as the set of words, the female brain is more diffusely organized than men, even if, overall, men and women do not show marked differences in their vocabulary.

"(...) Neuropsychologist Marian Diamond of the University of California at Berkeley, found by comparing the thickness of the cortex of male and female rats, the right cortex is thicker in males and at almost all ages, while the left cortex is thicker in females, but only at certain ages (see "A Love Affair with the brain," (a love story with the brain) Psychology Today, November 1984). (...) It seems undeniable that men and women really differ in points of genetic, physiological, and at many levels, psychological. '

Modern research in psychology continue to show us the many differences between men and women, most obvious in the behavior, the more subtle, such as the ability to detect fine details in a crowd. Because of the obvious differences between the two sexes, it is not realistic to require men and women to adopt identical roles. As reported in the New York Times in an article on women's health:

Unlike the feminist principle that women can do whatever men do, the science shows that if women can do some things better than men if they have biological and cognitive advantages over men, there also several things they can not do as well as they. '

God created us with different strengths and skills, but complementary. A man does not behave like a woman, nor a woman has to behave like a man to succeed in life.

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